Genome sequence data availability
for the Japanese Red List
This page shows the availability of genome data for all organisms in the Japanese Red Lists (terrestrial list from 2020, and marine list from 2017). We used red list data from the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, taxonomy data from NCBI, iNaturalist, GBIF and COL, and genome data from NCBI Datasets (details). This page is placed in the public domain.
Citation: Kirill Kryukov, Naoyuki Nakahama, Shigehiro Kuraku (2024) “Genome assembly catalog for species in the Japanese Red List: unlocking endangered biodiversity through genomic inventory” [version 2; peer review: 2 approved] F1000Research, 2024, 13:583,
Details by red list section: Mammals | Birds | Reptiles | Amphibians | Brackish and freshwater fishes | Insects | Molluscs | Other invertebrates | Vascular plants | Algae | Bryophytes | Lichen | Fungi | Saltwater fishes | Corals | Crustaceans | Cephalopods | Other marine invertebrates | All
Details by red list section: 哺乳類|鳥類|爬虫類|両生類|汽水・淡水魚類|昆虫類|貝類|その他無脊椎動物|維管束植物|藻類|蘚苔類|地衣類|菌類|海産魚類|サンゴ類|甲殻類|軟体動物(頭足類)|その他無脊椎動物|総計
Details by conservation status: EX | EW | CR | EN | CR+EN | VU | NT | DD | LP | All
Details by conservation status: 絶滅|野生絶滅|絶滅危惧IA類|絶滅危惧IB類|絶滅危惧I類|絶滅危惧II類|準絶滅危惧|情報不足|絶滅のおそれのある地域個体群|総計