NIG Biodiversity

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NIG Biodiversity Summer 2024 opens from June 1 to August 31. Please take photos before the weather becomes too hot!

NIG Biodiversity Summer 2024

Status: Open for submissions. Ending on August 31, 2024.

Previous NIG Biodiversity Events (click to expand)

How to participate:

Boring details (click to expand)

What happens next?

This is not a contest

Our focus here is more on the nature than on photography. Instead of a contest, we see it as a collaborative project on the boundary of science, art, education, and nature conservation. Without competition, anyone can participate, free from judgement or comparison.


Same like before, there will be prizes, distributed via a random lottery among the entries. So, submitting 5 photos will increase your chance of winning something.

Please contact organizers with any questions, comments, or suggestions.
